Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Penang island from Butterworth coastal highway, New Year 2008
(click on it for a better view)

My first entry, in my first blog. About a year ago, I would have said "What blog ? Why ?". But that has changed now because of someone's blog, someone who I think loves to write too, someone that I cherished the company of for the past few weeks. That single blog motivated me to start this blog of mine. I have always loved writing, just never thought that I could or would blog. Why have I changed my mind on blogging ? Read on, its about change.

We all know that change is upon us. Every single one of us, no matter who or what we are destined for, if there is such as thing as destiny pre-written for each one of us. How to change change is beyond our human capabilities and comprehension, yet there are many believers who think that they are capable of controlling the very changes that come upon them.

One thing that I've learned throughout these years of coursing through my meagre existence, that I choose to call my life or maybe fragments of what's left of it anyway, is that changes are inevitable. As inevitable as the sun rising in the mornings or the millions of stars peeking out at night. In fact, change itself is prone to changes just as much as we are prone to change itself.

Change can be as predictable as a cycle of things that happen, like the weather which is seasoned no matter how random it may seem at times, or just as random and unpredictable as a meteor shower, which I myself have never seen before. I have learned to accept changes as part of my life, be it for good or bad, change is what keeps us human, fragile, colorful in our personalities and full of emotions that makes each one of us unique. Without change, human life would be stagnant; like the plants people would say, I disagree. Even plants undergo changes, for example, the weather poses a threat of change for plants just as other living things. Rock. That is what human life would be equivalent to without change. Yes, plain, solid, immobile, emotionless and generic rocks.

To go with the flow has been my motto all along, although there has been times when I was subjected to inescapable rules that bind and monotony of daily routines. But there are moments in life when the opportunity arrives where each of us is presented with a choice, a forked path that either leads us into or away from the norm of life. There is no correct path to take, no matter how hard we think, as either path will only lead to more forked paths along the journey.

It's not about the correct or wrong choices that we make now at this juncture, but it's more about living with the choices that we make, making the most of it.

So let's welcome change in our life and let it take us where our dreams are waiting for us.

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